in conjunction with
[First Journey]
Jehovah in Eden
[stereo-eyes-ed '3.5D' movie-version
rating: UV - PG/17]
story by Mr. Raymond Kenneth Petry, Strategic-Director
a Wision--SesQuaTercet
USA production
The story of Jehovah's arrival on Earth with Adam [and carrying
Eve] and their life in Adam's
Eden kindergarden, scripted, and choreographed to music, tells a plausible
beginning of current modern scientifically advancing society, of what actually
happened on Earth about 3670 BC, of our common past and our connected future.
Although the ultimate owner shall be the USA 501(c)3 non-profit organization,
Dey School of Christ Science - project 'lambhorn'
- this production shall proceed in project SesQuaTercet as an ordinary
movie-making effort: the actors, crews, and reproduction authorities shall
be paid ordinary rates, and may be ordinary persons not affiliated with
project 'lambhorn' - strict
observance of goodly [clean, Godly] speech
and conduct on the production location-set
notwithstanding. The screenwrite herein is presented as a proposal for
contract in open-public-view.
The movie shall be available digitally recorded wide-screen [2:1]
stereo-eyes-ed on disk and tape. The initial shoot shall be direct minute-by-minute
to giga-byte hard-drive, 4 megapixels/frame, wavelet-compressed, copy-saved
to CDROM - the digitized sound and music edited in synchronized frames,
fractions of a second - and the final product released on 3D-HDDVideo Disk.
The advantage of digital is its reproducibility for the future of both
broadcast and movie-house. Image generation shall be further enhanced and
assisted by state-of-the-art computer facility. The final result shall
be viewable stereo-eyes-ed
'3.5D' with white 'sexichrome' or polarized safety-goggles, and (more widely
available) HDDVideo, and standard (telecined celluloid) 35mm film, as well
as DVD/DTV and VCR.
[The music exampled and specified in the following outline and screenwrite
is the Strategic-Director's selection from hundreds of CD's of existing
works by artists whose orchestral timbre and lyrics fit each on-screen
activity, and is not otherwise representative of projects SesQuaTercet
and its purposes nor 'lambhorn'
Scientific Scriptural exegeses ... the modern classic fanfare steps right
into a synthesized balladic collage]
Their sun supernovas - they escape by nuclear-impulsed needle-rockets
swing-pumping through giant-planetary and small-stellar gravity-wells,
barely outrunning the plasma tempest - they journey [skip] three-hundred
years, arriving [arbitrarily] at our solar system - they de-escape [decelerate]
similarly around Pluton and Jupiter, and are immediately chased by local
rebels [mutineed hundreds of years earlier] - their chief of security,
whose measures earn her respect but consternation, is exiled with her consular-lineaged
son and fetal-daughter for their safety while the battle resumes - she
sets-up home-and-garden, and as a new Earth-Lord awaits her return to space
- their adventures are lessons in morality and ethics - she teaches them
how to tend all for their betterment - the garden is eventually destroyed
by a flame-spewing earthquake - her people return to rescue her, leaving
her children to grow-up as new-Earthers - they return to Venus, their new
home. Epi-log: 900 year-old thinks-back: who were we?!
Scenes Scripts Revisions Notes
Adam - body of good of the Earth - taken into thought first - relinquished
to thought of clay - Eve questions source - compare spaceship: unknown
restore near-names: cat-catch, dog/dogk-dogkt/dockt/docked
Earth atmosphere entry: (Genetic sequence)
1) dawn-light (only: not sun) over Hejez
2) misty-cloud-layer over Arabia east before landing
3) landing in cloudy rainy morning (before full sun), clears
4) sunrise over Persian mountain ridge, moon, laser from moon, meteor-debris
5) birds, fish in stream
6) cat
EVE sees mankind at distance, asks ELLE
ELLE explains to EVE clean foods, peas, not beans, EVE challenges
ADAM's berries, ELLE explains careful inspection, and, don't worry about
dirt but don't ask for dirty foods
Adam, Eve play
settle on Pison (Wadi Batin before Euphrates)
Shuttle loops subsonic [1-2 miles up] before and amid clouds of billowing-settling
dust-haze: ELLE, GABE search for a site along the WADI BATIN riverbed [30.0N
47.2E to 30.2N 47.4E] before the Euphrates, far from the dust-enshrouded
flames around and forest-fires beyond in the distant MOUNTAINS.
sleeping cat is dusty just behind outcropping rock
elle finds water welling-up in garden-crater
eve sees snake come out of hole
add: the never-told spacer-story of Adam's
missing rib - sisterhood and getting children, explained priest-senilely
instead; Cain earthy, Abel more spacer
[N.B. This screenplay is being moved to retirement for revision
by the Principal Screenwriter, to accommodate significant newly-discovered details:
The prior major revision included the Egyptian side of the family and their comedy,
but we have now ascertained that they were in Egypt about 203 years before Shw Khonshu
begat Adam Geb with Mwt Mut and moved his first-lineage to Sumer.... The perception
base is still solid, but details pushing back into their own prehistory are pertinent
enough to delineate in the motion picture.]
Tactical-Director: [tbd]
Operations-Director: [tbd]
Licenser: [tbd]
The teachings hereïn are not secularized nor classified:
Sunday School pupils, Primary Class students, Normal Class graduates, scholars,
researchers, astronomers, scientists, governments, find this coursework
timely, modern, global, historical, democratic. The syllabus is the ALMS
Program: Astronomics, Linguistics, Mathematics, Systematics: Scientific
inferentiation on Holy Biblical Scripture: What actually happened.
FUNDAMENTAL CONTROVERSES: Christian Science Class Instruction * RKPetry
The theory of measurement propounded
in this work is not to be cited (as) considering contraband or corpses;
Nor are the intellectual appurtenances hereïn to be used for or in
the commission of crimes against persons, peoples, properties, or powers
(States). May your tabernacle measure true.
$1 per copy: impression, reproduction, translation, implementation,
systematic paraphrase (or) depiction (or) evaluation (or) comparison
plus additional media costs; less efficiency discounts
unauthorized use: treble standard
final charges greater or lesser per U.S.A. Copyright Law
regarding fair-use/citation and second-source/mirror-site