how a neutron star got much-smaller than the 'lower' limit; how a black-hole got much-smaller than the 'lower' limit |
[See also: Pluton]
Larger neutron stars, have sufficient mass to go all-the-way and go-hole: quickly
becoming 'black holes' immediately-or-soon-after....
However, The smallest neutrons stars, -having but half the gravitational mass,- are only
neutron-cores: deep-within still-iron stars evaporating towards condensation:--
In the meso-core around the neutron-core 'nucleus' (a star-size atom), iron-nuclei
contact-enough to only exchange nucleons, but not fusion: not completely neutronize:
The lighter almost-iron nuclei buoy toward the surface, while the heavier stay sunk near
the inner core, gradually neutronizing to superheavy nuclei (absorbing electrons from the
degenerate to nuclear); and so cooling by absorbing thermal energy to nuclear mass-excess,
and increasing the neutron-core mass by nuclear accretion, somewhat....
(Note that iron-species-spreading occurs also in the pre-neutron-star core early-on, but,
does-not escape the core weak-to-neutral gravitation: there is no strongly-'up' near the
center ... and this may be the 5-hours-early neutrino event seen in
Meanwhile the lighter sub-iron nuclei buoying outward, also cool, -and,- cannot re-fusion
in the meso layer: in the preponderance of iron-mean nuclei, altogether self-cooling ...
but ... coming toward the surface, the lighter nuclei re-dominate the nuclear species mix,
until higher-enough the lightest nuclei can re-begin fusion, (but not-yet the medium-light
nuclei still too-near-iron to be exothermic with aught but neutron-absorption). The
statistical-time process of fusion reheats the outer surface of the neutron-core
'neutron'-star: evaporating its surface-- firstly electrons, giving the star an
overall positive charge buoying the heavier nuclei, and gradually
burning-away the star ('burning gravity') toward ultimately a much-smaller-than-initially
neutron star....
[Recheck arithmetic: Either small neutron stars don't go all the way -or, else- the large
neutron stars have such double energy as to blow-off the outer layer to a smaller-large;
--or-- this defines a nearer-minimal-supernova process for generating a neutron star.]
And, in some case,--
[under construction]
(Thinking) a cooling neutron
star may chill-shrink until it just begins to crush its
core into a quark-star, and (the) minimal energy release
in the crush may lift the outer 90% off-and-away, just
fast-enough to let it suddenly sublime its neutron burden,
into a solar mass of hydrogen (popped neutrons) swirling
around that magnetic mini-singularity, which later forms
a solar system of our sun and planets.
Consider a neutron star left-over from its supernova event,
and bereft of its former star-hood, and planets which all loosed from
the gravitational grip of the former giant star when it blew-away 80% of
its mass to the cosmos. It cools as the deep remainder of its pent-up
neutrinoes outgas from the ever tighter intersticies of the neutron
superfluid, leaving the neutron star 'cold' and 'hard - cold, in the context
of thermal random-motion superfluid vortices, and, hard, in the sense of
atomic nucleon packing and mossbauer-like effects, lacking springy bounce
where residual neutrino-jabs once tended to reconstitute protons from
neutrons, and internal inter-nucleon energy transfers once kept neutrons
ever so slightly repulsive - an infalling asteroid would 'ring' with percolations
by itself, no longer imparting its clap into the neutron star surface.
Such a neutron star would slowly shrink, mere centimeters in its 30Km radius,
and over eons might draw-down more asteroidal debris from its not fully
escaped debris ring (consisting mostly of uranium-heavy metals). As this
neutron star condenses and gains weight, it may crush its core, undoing the
neutronic structure there: reducing them to their quark constituents. Gravity
holds it together, but as the center crushes it acts as a catalyst on neutrons
surrounding, helping breaking them into their quark constituents. As this
center collapses further, and releases some energy into the 'solid-pack' of
surrounding neutrons, the outer portion of the neutron star may lift-off ... if
this is a slow process, the neutrons may simply lift high enough to release
themselves from the surface-binding gravity, and ooze-out onto the debris
disk ... neutrons by themselves (without extreme gravity to bind them) drift
apart, and 'pop' back into protons and electrons (called, hydrogen) ... a
process not unfamiliar to the cosmic Big-Bang: it may be indistinguishably
similar ... a neutron star originally having a mass a little greater than our sun
may return a solar mass of slightly cooked hydrogen to surrounding space,
and shrivel into a tiny curious 'wriggly-hole' (not quite a gravity singularity
like the famed 'black-hole') amid a plane of hydrogen, the 'stuff' of suns,
spinning madly about the center ... and the gas on the plane would soon
recollect into a large sun (the size of ours) and its attendant planets: the
angular momentum might lop-side 'flip' as a toy top, or as cake-batter around
a beater, with the center 'wriggly-hole' thrown out to the outer edge in a
retrograde orbit, the actual angular momentum is preserved: just the apparent
'flips' until we find this Pluton ... planets further
away would either not exist (because they were in the plane moving the same
direction 'grade' as the new sun, and their orbits would fold back in among
the sun's planets orbits), or further away, would have apparent retrograde
motion as they chase the sun around Pluton.
A small mass 'star' estimably the mass of Saturn, in retrograde orbit at the
distance of Pluto, seems a much smaller mass to the astronomers' gaze as
it less gravitationally affects the planets it 'passes' so quickly: it might seem to
have merely a few 'Earth' masses. It may have wrenched Pluto away from
Neptune, and every time it passes Pluto, it may fling Pluto in a different
direction off the planetary plane, but still in orbit about the sun. And the large
moon, Triton, of Neptune may have come from those wandering planets such
as were once in orbit about it [Pluton] before the sun re-formed and gathered
its own. A novel place for one Grand Nuclear Space
Cruiser to find and visit in this next decade as we
claim our immanent domain among the planets of our solar system.
(Note the evacuated core allows the remaining neutron mass to ram down, and the spin-orbitation
process may repeat, and rhythmic eccentricity may so alternately-explain the regular(ized)
neutrino-bursting detected from SN1987A-- and might so better-explain
the narrowness of the neutrino-pulses shorter than the NDE-refresh-times: emanating from the
tiny primordially-dense core....)
As primordial-energy floods out, some of it converts to nucleons, but mostly gamma-rays,
(instead of neutrinos: not having the femto-symmetry to generate neutrinos) possibly
500-photons-per as in the long-ago-cosmic Big-Bang event, But mostly too slow to escape, the
nucleons fall back and recycle, reducing the available mass even further from-1000-to-100-to-10-Earths....
There is no minimum-mass for a black-hole, and Pluton may be small--
possibly a few Earth-masses.... a very-tiny mass-hole....
And, some of these are thus GRB Gamma-Ray-Bursters ... A billion stars in the cosmos go
supernova, every year: 3-million every day, and 1-or-2-of-those does the burster routine
pouring out 10-thousand times the visible, energy, 10-billion-times the intensity: for a
millionth the duration of a nova, outshining the gamma-ray-cosmos....
These occur mostly at great cosmic distance because there's more space-volume at great distance...
Also, the early-cosmic galaxies had less turmoil and slower spin (more uniform across the cosmos),
and whence more instances of neutron stars collapsing with pole-cap-breach, whereas faster-spin of
collapsing neutron stars results in earlier-stall, and even-slower-spin results in no-stall, with
pole-cap impact not-breached by the core ... the optimal spin might be a sub-second-rotation to
just catch the equator into a quantum-locked spin-orbitation to stall the holing process while
maximizing the pole-ram-consumption into the core....
Furthermore, spinning mass-holes with irregular surfaces, as by direct-mergers, (we've long-since
shown that mass-holes are hollow, by reasoning and confirmation such as LIGO), irregularities may
become spur-vortices, comparably to electrostatic whiskers but by field broadside-repulsion, growing
out across the galaxy to connect to others end-to-end or trivias with FTL-speeds inside
(e.g. project Sesquatercet sci4fi Professors' Spring Break trilogy)...
A premise discovery under the title,
Grand-Admiral Petry
'Majestic Service in a Solar System'
Nuclear Emergency Management