a large fraction of sun systems in our galaxy appear to be multi-star systems: yet ours has but one apparent star and had there been a predecessor partner star nearby our solar system it may have left a dark remnant, stellar, Planet X |
[expanded 12/11/99, 5/20/2000]
Ca. Autumn 1984, I discovered upon examination of the solar sun spot cycle data the possible generator of the significant portions of the cycles. I hand-calculated the entire 300 years of observation data, and later verified the 6 thousand years of radiocarbon tree-ring data for centurial variations,- all consistent. Early 1995, I submitted my discovery data to NSA for classification, because certain other facets had popped-up which I had to consider national-security-sensitive, but, the basic reduction is presentable and interesting:--
Postulate the 11.3 year solar sun-spot cycle generated by electro-magnetic field interactions among the planets and the sun: There are two choices for Jupiter (11.86 year period) with a major (new) planet: either closer-in, unknown among the 2-4 AU belt asteroids, or further-out at 40 AU (Pluto's distance) in retrograde orbit: The second, whence the name, Pluton, fits the data most efficaciously: Its field alignment reaching to the sun, commingling with the outer planets' fields, correlates with the regular 11-year cycle minima, with the occasional period-dilated multi-cycle lows (eg. two long-period cycles ca 1810), with the Maunder, Spörer, and Wolf minima, and consistently with the early peaks (1 yr./30 deg.) leading the Jupiter alignment, imputing Jupiter's large magnetic field push leading-compressing and lagging-decompressing the Pluton-sun intra-field structure (such distortion triggering the spots as well as said earliness, and tilting each cycle forward, peaking more rapidly than dissipating over the 11-year cycle *), and excepting only a brief anomaly ca 1873, which may be controlled by yet a secondary planet orbiting Pluton itself.
* (Also see new note on sunspots: regarding double, peaks.)
But in proper solar system orbit, Pluton is not any neutron star of ordinary 1.4-3 solar masses - which opens for us three choices:
If it is in proper solar orbit, as seems to explain Pluto's position at the edge of the solar system, then it's a very low mass electro-magnetic residue spot, a cold miniature singularity micro-black-hole, or a quark-star: and this will require further explanation for neutron star evaporation or mass-hole swallowing gravity-mass.
The search for a Planet X (tenth) un-recently proposed 2-5 Earth-masses, estimated on telescopically measured orbit accelerations, which in retrograde orbit becomes 50-125 Earth-masses: enough to reverse the solar system total momentum;- but which theory was refuted in revised calculations. However, there is yet further corroborative evidence for a near-by singularity, quark star, or cold neutron star,- in the XN1974 (micro-re-nova) neutrino event,- and maybe in the recent SNO night-day neutrino spectrum (subnote).
The outermost choice is an ordinary supernova remnant neutron star or black-hole of several solar masses in exo-solar retrograde orbit: As a 7-solar mass at twice Pluto's orbit co-orbits with our sun in the same period as Pluto, and as there are large numbers of Kuiper comets near 77 AU apohelion, Pluton might be such a mass orbiting amid and herding the Kuiper Belt Objects: eg. 6 solar-mass at 76 AU, at the 1:1 2-phase eccentric resonance with Pluto, the 3:2 5-phase circular resonance with Neptune, the 3:1 4-phase with Uranus: a multi-Bode-Titius order.
[Else it could be 3 solar-mass at 63 AU, or 1.4 at 53 AU, etc.]
Such a large distant mass would exert a multi-solar-strength tidal draw perpendicular to orbit accelerative pulls on the outer planets, raising their velocities further from the sun, lowering them nearer the sun (thus angularly less noticed by standard Earth telescopy) while yet anchoring an electro-magnetic field with our sun: the large planets pulling through it, attentuating and coordinating the sunspots: It should become gradually noticeable over decades, as it throws our sun around: Currently our sun is estimated traveling faster than galactic local average constellations by 43k-mph toward distant star Vega space: much faster than Pluto's 10K-mph.
[However, the strong minima then require a very narrower field line]
[05/20/2000] A more recent discovery leads to a third, better, in-between proposal:
Histograms of TNO's (Trans-Neptunian Objects) suggest a rule for a significant number of TNO's (with frequent gaps) clustering above a drip-line between 44:44 (AU) (peri-Helion:semi-major axis) and the 30:39 intercept with the 30-36:39 (Plutinos) at 30 AU (Neptune), albeit mostly above 38-39 AU (Pluto) and above 42 AU SMA. [The gaps appear between clusters with high slope, as much as 1:10 (AU) PH:SMA intercepting at 39.5 AU, Pluto] And with the telescopic discovery of 2000 CR105 at 44 AU perihelion being extra-solar(system), and its extreme eccentricity to about 400 AU, this (44 AU) becomes one place to 'put' Pluton, with a mass limit at 40% solar - a small star.
But to account for its orbital period we should look further at the character of Pluton itself: Pluton's mass must be small at 44 AU, else it would very noticeably disrupt the orbits of the outer planets: And something else than gravity must draw Pluton toward the Sun... That-some-thing-else is, electrostatic, attraction: TO WIT--
The sun is highly positively charged -which is how protons gain lift sufficient to leave the surface in quantities equal to electrons: the charge increased until they did; Above the sun, protons are further energized by very hot electrons held back in the corona, by their charge ... and, at far interstellar distance from the sun, proton quantities match electron quantities in cold ion plasma having equalled kinetic velocities, with free electrons still ionized at 13.6eV from the protons (the predominant nuclei species) … and, as this plasma passes through Pluton's magnetic field scoop, it deposits negative electrons into Pluton, more than positive protons-and-nuclei 2000× and-more massive, which escape, charging Pluton negative at equilibrium; but some collecting in orbit, cooling and neutralizing there. (Note that although the sun's equilibrium charge is on the order of 150 Coulombs, enough to lift protons, the charge of Pluton has cumulated billions-of-years to hold protons in astronomical-orbits, but also dynamo'ed its magnetic field capturing electrons.)
2. The a priori concern for celestial 3-body system dynamics, for the sun and Pluton as foci, and any of our planets as third in contragrade orbit, must figure also, the planet at mean distance from Pluton slightly exceeds orbit velocity, while in orbit about its primary focus - further tidal-nulling calculation may determine the ideal position for Pluton.
3. Scripturally famous historical evidences may yet be due Pluton:
3.a. the day the sun shone through the night
(if that was not due a super-solar-polar-flare);
3.b. ST Johns's hearing as a trumpet blast: of super-re-nova neutrinos.
4. There is also newly generated data regarding the solar eclipse which may be a priori interpreted as magnetic-like in its various traits of wide-field effects and temporal-yet-repetitious stickiness.
5. The oft-usual (when it happens) separation of consecutive sunspots (northern or southern or both) is about 2 days ... and may be a magnetic-field precession in Pluton.
If the quark star also evaporates much energy in the process of condensation - because as neutrons deep in its over-weight neutron star break-up into un-gluonized quarks, there may be significant out-waving (evaporation) of gluons at its surface (which contains most of its mass) - the final remnant quark star, or black-hole if it condenses further, may have loosed more than a solar mass from the initially compacted neutrino-rich neutron star.
[Hydrogenic protons so released may also fusion to cosmic apportions of deuterons]
When we find Pluton, we find the total inclusive momentum of the Solar System reversed, and Pluton in retrograde orbit.
A premise discovery under the title,