Unseen, a nearby micro-re-supernova -or- micro-super-re-nova |
The 1/4/74 neutrino event recorded in the Homestake mine NDE (K. Lande/Nature Oct 11 74) illustrates the strange newness of the information on neutrinos. Researchers at that time estimated the data represented a supernova: it fit their early model-theories; but none was visible. (This is not impossible: cf supernova Cas A was not seen behind its space dust cloud cover estimably 300 years ago: Its present evidence is its expanding SNR supernova remnant now many light-years across "seen, visible" in radio-astronomy.)
The 1974 NDE event was a brief, truncated account of 24 neutrinos ... the equipment had been made to detect neutrinos but its tape-recorder electronics buffered blocks of 24, then rereadied in a second; None were detected after the first event, but the signal was strong and could have been followed by more within that unobservable fraction of a second; Yet the data was sufficient to be telling, and was telling a lot more than astronomers want readily to admit: they didn't believe their success: the neutrino count had been large, perhap too, large, for such a small detector: It implied the supernova must have been very near, hundreds or thousands of light-years away,- and two decades later the expanding supernova halo would now, be, a light-year across: visibly 3 arc-minutes; which, should be detectable ... but, astronomers have stayed "mum" when they could not say where or when.
The neutrinos arrived in the Homestake mine NDE in a few tight microsecond bunches spaced a millisecond apart [each bunch], in such numbers we might suppose any small NDE could detect them as well, and if without the buffering constraint, might "hear" them all as a short blast on a horn at 1000 Hz (1 msec.), very-high-C:- neutrinos in sufficient quantity of ~10MeV each (0.16pJ), might be actually hearable as a sound or loud-feeling in the brain or ear, induced by the spark generated by each capture;-- and, there may be historic evidence of a similar close nova, even this same source as St. John describes his revelation of a horn and a glory in heaven whose face was too bright for man [an unshaded eye*] to dwell thereïn.
* [The centerpoint of the eye, of the fovea, is particularly "aware" of stellar presence (One should never look directly at a supernova as within our galaxy it would be brighter than a star): Look at a dim star to test this: The centerpoint of the fovea is a rod not a cone: There is one rod in the fovea: And color is ab-out it. Semite-Christ Jesus knew this fact when he said, If thine eye be single, the body (the whole span) is full of light; Amazing the error that modern ocular physiologists do not commonly know this fact or do not care for mathematical precision in using the word, "No".]
More importantly though, this same pattern is a factor of 200× higher-pitched than that in the SN1987A supernova event:- this could not have been a supernova, but much closer, a sub-parsec re-nova of a cold, hard, neutron star swallowing an asteroid from its orbiting debris and its brief high-pitch buzz of neutrinos as the asteroid, tens of thousands times smaller dimensionally, -a trillionth the mass,- fusioned into neutrons in the surface of the neutron star, rhythmically percolating neutrinos in bubbling pulsations pitched like a horn. Or, it may be a small mass-hole, and the asteroid crushes to neutron density on a "hollow" center of event-horizon repulsive-momentum hard-photon energy-flux and stiff-orbiting nonzero-point (hot space) "virtual particle pair" wavicle-shreds collapsing into the hole ... And its SNR has passed us unnoticed (or may be now more-noticeable at right-angles) ...
Even this needs adjustment as a 40-mile diameter asteroid might be too rare, or too common, in orbit about a neutron star ... This may require a smaller neutron star in orbit around our sun, among the asteroids in similar orbit; and an explanation for how a neutron star can get small'er ... This is one further plausibility and possibility for Pluton as Planet X.
Addendum, 2005:
(The scintillator tonnage of the Homestake mine neutrino-photodetector in 1974 was about a tenth of the Kamioka NDE in 1987 which caught about 3 neutrinos per click-pulse (the histogram of energies exhibited multiples of ~7MeV; ibid), whence we may estimate that the 1974 neutrino signal at six-per was coarsely 20× stronger ... a 4Mton[~100m]/AU² asteroid,- a 1.3Km KBO at Pluton's 40-50 AU range, nicely smaller and more abundant than my 1987 resonancy-based estimate ... Its smaller size also better meets a 30Km neutron star, as a large moon would roche-shred into a vapor-ring not impacting in, 24, microsecond-clumps, that indicated an object no bigger than 300 m per impact, or, so, if the millisecond ringing is the property of the neutron-star's cold-hardness and nuclear wavelength.)
A premise discovery under the title,