Integral harmony and maintenance of omninational Air-Traffic-Control up to and including LEO Space-Traffic-Control is hereïn standardized to computer-digital secure flightpath data uploading and monitoring |
[This release contains equivocal forward-looking statements]
The President, Director of PUBNATSEC remarks: The Lanthus AeroSpace Traffic Command digital-navigator Control System would have helped reduce the avalanche of destructions of planes and buildings in the 9-11-2001 USA skyjacking incident, by restricting the flight-path options: the planes could have been kept near their original flight paths, not allowed to turn back or to a city, and from excessive rapid descent;- and reported deviations and tampering: However, digital-navigator does not control the airframe but the specified flightpath options narrowable to one course or landing; the airframe must remain intact to ensure flight safety. |
mid 2000
With the scheduled demise of USA multi-vestee Iridium CORP's 66 [designated 77] Satellite Digital-Telephony Constellation, international air-traffic, of which it was inclusive, became less skilled, less secured, less robust, less idealed: less international.
NEMO directive project Lanthus [*] takes constructive control of the Iridium Constellation salvage operation in compliance with FCC civil commercial public national security requirements upon completion of a Declaration of Foundering by Iridium principals, and $1.
While the originally published satellite constellation design called for digital-voice compressed at 2400/4800bps point-to-point telephony connection service via satellite up-links, cross-links, down-links, and ground-web integration, for 27 million intermittent surface and air persons, the secure and revised edition is primarily continual flight-deck navigation computer data communications, with active-spare shared voice secondary, and potential for reïnforced secure ground-web integration.
Each point of service (each aircraft platform) has typically a pair of transceivers interfaced to the digital fly-by-wire flight-deck computer. Unlike the military force-terminal arena which counts spare parts as excess weight, and as excess compromise in case of downing, the commercial market benefits from a slight redundancy of transceivers in each aircraft platform ACP - the actual metric of spares-per-passenger is far lower in the high count of passengers - and the second transceiver acts as both active spare and voice channel, and sometimes as dual ATC connections, where the 'from' and 'to' ATC's are not already ground interconnected. [The original Iridium System was designed with multi-lingual translation and e-mail-to-pronunciation capability: this polyglottal compatibility improvement continues as supportive but secondary capacity to the Lanthus digital-perfect compatibility] Early system ACP pilots will experience 'always-on' conditions, but later system new-pilots users can be allocated proportionately more 'on' time through Lanthus Command to facilitate their on-the-deck familiarization training.
The transceiver interface shares a data (bit) stream with the flight-deck control inter-computer-processor, which feeds and monitors the ACP INS (LTN-51, etc.) Inertial Navigation System, and GPSS Global Positioning Satellite System. An entire flight plan can be uploaded directly from ATC to ACP, and subsequently revised or replaced in-flight: typically in the case of inclement weather, ground and air emergencies, military, government, and civilian emergent ground and air operations. In the case of pilot emergency or other flight-deck interface decessibility emergency [power-out, white-out, haze-out, lock-out], the plane can be flown to destination via Lanthus Command, and landed using the separate autopilot-autolanding capability: a technique to be known as, flying on satellite-remote. In the case of airframe emergency, Lanthus Command can monitor the aircraft's Earth-locus progress and quickly relegate search-and-rescue crews to accessible near-locus coordinates - if the emergent need is minor, Lanthus Command can directively and cooperatively assist flight progress through the most readily navigable course, relieving the pilots to grapple with and stabilize the airframe difficulties. In the rare case of procedural extremities and emergencies, the aircraft manufacturer engineer teams can be instantly included in consultation conversations with ATC, ATC emergency response personnel, and the ACP pilots; and review accurate digital telemetry during anomalous platform control excursions: aircraft platform internal telemetry can be selectably allocated into the ACP report-back data-stream for in-flight monitoring.
Around airports the Lanthus system ACP components integrate with ATC digital corridor definitions and sequencing, augmenting beam-locating in the ATC's landing and take-off guidance systems, for more integral local traffic handling. Lanthus can be used directly if flightpath data is sufficiently precise from the ATC landing system, or its ACP components may be built to interface with other ACP and ATC landing systems and components.
The future of Lanthus is not only more satellites, faster data rates, higher integral services, but impositionally greater awareness of public national security, not superseding but superceding military national security in the general industrial trend: as the commercial world becomes more technologically proficient, the advantages of reasonable safety thereby will become the next major forefront of education, enabling solar systems from a stabler Earth-conscience: you can only teach a man to eat so many hamburgers, before he thinks of something else to do in this world.
The need for digital flightpath data has been known for two decades: since the PATCO demands for better equipment and reduced-stress work conditions ca 1981 - that latter criterion is qualitative, but indicates directly the challenge of multi-lingual international flying. Lanthus digital-perfect replaces the uncertain vocal translations with factory-supplied computer program certainty: the pilot rides more as an observer of platform progress and computer process, checking the uploaded flightpath directly on-board the flight-computer with known expectations for air traffic lanes and destinations: a trivial task, leaving more time to internal on-board affairs: and making a truer ship captain in the classic genre.
Additionally, a Lanthus-informed ATC provides single-side diplomatic international detente in the case of strays: protection by reason of secure digitally exact information: the ATC, no longer left in the information-dark by archaic analog-scheme radio equipments, can prevent KAL-007-type incidents: the other nations know this and can work with this to reestablish the purposes of a stray, likely saving both sides a shoot-down - similar to the USA trucking industry's satellite tracking system(s) but in international waters not having the previous advantage of united States: We gain it by open-information technologies: no hidden agendas.
[The potential against skyjacking is handled by client-case] |