Nuclear Emergency Management
Had this been a detonation emergency,
You would have been directed to—
remain indoors near the building's columnar supports
immediately don what you have ...
2-3 pairs heavy socks
[add plastic bags over the first]
2-3 pairs long pants
2-3 long-sleeve shirts
heavy duty shoes
3 large pillow cases or towels, to wrap your face and neck
heavy duty gloves
wallet identification, civil defense tag, keys, cash
secure tactical operations ...
close curtains
get-out fire extinguishers
gather extra blankets near you
hang reflective aluminum foil behind the drapes at windows
secure supply procedures ...
gather canned foods into portable cloth sacks (pillowcases)
remember your can-openers: bring two can-openers
take a flashlight and your emergency preparedness kit
secure strategic communications ...
establish contact by webChat/IRC, forum/e-mail, netPhone
be prepared for loss of connection at first light (EMPulse)
the display may implode when the shockwave hits in 60 seconds
final action
[civil defense warning sirens wavering]
pull a sturdy table to near an interior room columnar support
wrap your neck, cover your head
crawl flat under the table
face away from windows, face floor or corner
hand-cover your ears
afterward, for the next hour ...
governments recommend remaining in a large closed room or shelter
Remain calm. You'll be expected to help others exit-escape your building inferno.
Grand-Admiral Petry
... cruising the cosmo-net on galaxy-planet Earth ...
'Majestic Service in a Solar System'
Nuclear Emergency Management Organization
© 1996-2017 GrandAdmiralPetry@Lanthus.net
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