electrons stopped in atomic orbit, produce supraneutronium, the stablest, hardest, densest, usable material, -outside a neutron star,- so resilient, and insulating, a starship can smash through asteroids and hide inside a star; and a meter sheet weighs half a ton and deflects x-rays and neutrons... |
[See also absolute cold]
When a neutron, n, disgorges an electron, e, with 0.78MeV, to become a proton, p, the electron, cooled, can be returned to create a hydrogen atom, H, and so release 13.6 eV more in reaching its electrochemical orbital ground state... But that's only natural: It can reach further down to its true minimum its subground absolute minimum pe state ~70× deeper [3rd est.], with an artificial assist:--
('pe state' is the suborbital proton-electron pair, subapproximating a neutron, strictly subatomic, subasymptotic, nonnuclear.)
Whereas the orbital electron is yet in motion, its orbit -not its charge profile which is deemed zero angular momentum as any would emit photons till it stopped,- might be reduced to zero-momentum (not energy) ... It may be possible to reduce a hydrogen electron below its ground state by chilling its orbital spin to zero-symmetry: letting it orbit equally about the nucleus both ways, or, stand-off-or-on the nucleus somewhere in its 780KeV subatomic well. While its ground state is the ordinary absolute zero degees (Kelvin, Rankine), Stopping the electron orbit altogether is absolute, cold, negative-- the electron suborbital, basement state.
Ferroneutronium is supraneutronium of the iron-range nuclei that cannot fusion and are thus especially-stable against x-rays, y-rays, protons, electrons, up to MeV's, and neutrons depending on the nuclear isotopic species of ferroneutronium....
Supraneutronium does not exist naturally because orbital electrons are spheric-minus-photonic wavefunctions (photons emitted in dropping to lower orbitals), whereas stand-off-or-on electrons are spheric-minus-spheric (warped by the nucleus), and thus do not occur in natural photon emission but must regain their photon wavefunction before dropping into the subatomic near-nucleus zone.
Possibly, pe-state 'hydrogen' dropped into heavier nuclei-- reaching sub-1-s-orbital pe-standoff, the stronger charge of the heavier pulls the basement state electron out from the pe-state 'hydrogen' and, that being below the 1-s-orbital for the heavier nucleus, the electron descends to the supraneutronium level, yielding much-more energy along the way down and freeing the 'hydrogen' proton....
For very heavy nuclei it may be necessary to substage the production process, e.g. from pe-state 'hydrogen' to pe-state 'carbon' to pe-state 'iron', because as the pe-state 'hydrogen' approaches the very-strongly charged heavy nucleus, tidal force rips it open and pulls the electron, though balanced by its proton, into the path of the 1-s orbital electrons where it is repelled by orbital processes and simply hangs-up (not unlike the supranuclear stability of antihelons...).
This stable dense state is called, supra-neutronium, because nuclei and electrons are almost as dense as famed fully-dense neutronium, being orders-of-magnitude below atomic internuclear distance yet usably stable (outside a neutron star's gravitational mass neutrons are unstable without nuclear protons binding them; even a neutron star surface is halfly-atomic-like iron) ... With no mean free space between nuclei to let neutrons pass, supraneutronium is the densest atomic matter in the universe: A picon sheet deflects neutrons; a spoonful weighs tons; Officially it has a neat property that without proper insulation it absorbs atoms from the air and fusions them down to iron. (The unofficial property is simpler: the atomic coating of ordinary iron, does not fusion, and makes it readily handlable: If you can, scratch it, it gets hot that instant 'til it rusts of pure iron; Albeit it is that primer coat of iron, that must be scratched.)
In this absolute-sub-stance, the electron stacks in standstill-orbit on the nucleus, but its electron-radius under charge-tidal-draw is larger than usual, larger than the nucleus, and larger in wavelength, having less kinetic energy than an electron in like orbit, -hence it cannot enter the nucleus;- But it draws the hydrogen protons so close that these may fusion, and fusion occurs for any nucleus up the mass scale to iron (*), where it is no longer exothermic and won't occur of its own thermodynamic accord; and above-iron-mass nuclei up-close and resonant -knocking- will distort and spall neutrons, or fission ... whence the stablest form is roughly iron-nuclei, in tight proximity bound by electrons far-below their 9KeV ground state, 70× deeper in their 640KeV-range nearly the electron-mass itself.
* (It may be more interesting to start with -abundant- iron and stop all 26 electrons therein together; if meso-fusion energy, is not.)
(Prevention of fusion during production may require staged production.)
Supraneutronium aka ferro-neutronium is constituted of iron nuclei in a degenerate-cold-electron space; Near-iron-ferroneutronium has interesting mechanical chemistries compounded of nuclear and atomic-like electron-suborbital properties and crossfusion action.
Density, for basement-pe-state ca 1/70× the groundstate energy ca 1/100× the groundstate radius, limits about-half (half is electron-mutual-standoff) ca-13-million-normal ca-108 g/cc for 26-iron, (cf helium-nucleus nucleon-packing and neutron stars ca 2×1014 g/cc).
Iron-species inside Electron Capture to 640KeV, allow electrons to sit lowest in the subatomic range grazing the nucleus, and are the stronger species. Energy transfers by photons or mechanical jerk motion may push an electron up into the nucleus, where it repels the subatomic electrons more and so expands and reinforces the matrix at that point-- for an in-usage self-annealing property.
Its 'molecular' motion frequency is so much higher than ordinary, that it does not absorb atomic-nuclear motion as heat but deflects as a solid wall, despite its thinness. Supraneutronium, ferroneutronium, is impervious, at thirty-thousand times the tensile strength of ordinary iron; and heat-resistant: Theoretically it'll pass clean through a star core, -except a neutron star,- and it will stop rocks at the speed of light (*). But it is also quite possibly extraordinarily soft in femton sheets because its binding electrons have no orbital cloud correlations but 180°-proximity and potential plasma-like pinch-stability discompensations; it may then exhibit creasing creep, where a sheet takes-on supra-nuclear bends, should it ever be bent too far on the nuclear scale ... Rib-lines and alternate-resonances (other-mass) nuclei may help prevent creasing creep;- and it may need be 'iron'ed out for maintenance.
* (It may even deflect gravity in an antigravity box or platform device, except the flow of the gravity gradient around the edges will curtail its larger significance. NB The reason it might do this where neutron stars do not, is that the aether-ripple gravity from inside a neutron star must out, but from ordinary atomic-density mass deflects away, first bounce-- making the platform itself heavier, too.)
This article was done in development of a project SesQuaTercet movie-story.