300 years of known sunspot cycles record a summary of solar magnetic activity; and tree-ring radiocarbon dating extends this six millennia at lesser resolution |
As an 11.3-year-retrograde rhythm conjoined with Jupiter's 11.86-year cycle (assuming it was solar magnetic-bottling interference) works-out to a 239-year retrograde orbit, in the region of Pluto, I began the finer cycle-decoding by presuming the sunspot cycle as displayed in various charts in various books, fit some simple solar systemic elements:- scholars have long sought the answer as interior modes of the sun itself, and some have suggested the gravitational pulls of the near planets out to Jupiter (however, the latter leave-out the rate-doubling due to the tides occurring on both near and far sides simultaneously). I conjectured more simply and solved the equation for an arbitrary (extra) planet, solar if not galactic, interacting with the magnetic fields of Jupiter, the likely next-largest driver after the sun itself: and as there are two solutions but the nearer asteroids seem obviously devoid of significant possibilities, the second solution held the greatest potential (pun not intended):- A planet in retrograde orbit yet-to-be spotted (pun not intended) in the far solar systemic distance, like another planet Pluto ... I continued ... it fit the cycle time-series data, and, it worked-out very well ... I estimated that, ca. 1810, a near pass of this Pluton, and planet Neptune (near enough, and Uranus was also nearly aligning), resulted in a reduction of amplitude of the sunward extending field, with an additional field-phase pull, by Neptune;- in other words, Neptune must have taken-hold of some of the magnetic field, and "switched-on", pulling the combined field to a 13-year cycle, until it had stretched so far it merely "snapped" back:- as it does exactly seem to do in amplitude on those charts.
The data fit well enough to identify at least one anomaly ca. 1872-75, -a brief 3-year phase stretch,- which could not be interpreted readily as known planetary interference in my estimate thus far; and which may serve to identify another small yet-unfound out there, possibly a second Pluto, or a smaller Plutoid or Plutino as have since been discovered to exist in large numbers in the KBO Kuiper Belt Objects "halo" region,- one passing close to Pluton on that occasion.
And when compared to the 6-thousand-year dendrochronology record of tree-ring radiocarbon dating (under my same estimation but not finely confirmed for planetary synchronizations), its ten-year-accuracy data (*) also exhibited interferences by Pluto, Neptune, and to a lesser extent, Uranus and Saturn. And the long-term minima showed excellently, including the Maunder, Spörer, and Wolf minima … which help locate Pluton's orbital phase (which was fairly accurately found already on sunspot data).
* (The eleven-year cycle was not seen in the tree-ring database because the rare-chemical detection sampling techniques consumed several rings of dendochronological carbon-14, -or a lot more detection processing time.)
I'd also found a one-year "leader" in the cycle: the smoothed curve-fit leaned forward, peaking consistently one year ahead of the Jupiter-Pluton-sun alignment (1 yr./30 deg.); initially imputing Jupiter's large magnetic field push leading-compressing and lagging-decompressing the Pluton-sun compound field structure;- such distortion triggering the spots as well as peak earliness.
That Jupiter's magnetic field pushes and pulls the larger solar field, has the (now relegated smaller) effect of squeezing the lead peak narrower-taller, and spreading the second peak broader-shorter. The 2-year separation of lead and lag pairs, can be computed as the interval between points where the slope of one's train side parallels the slope near-peak of the other: the difference is very exactly 2.0 years (not the 16 months suggested by the scientists still looking to correspond it to inside-sun processes). The sunspot peak is thus split, as well as caused, by Jupiter-alignment (There could also be minor midway effects buried in the cycle "noise" at peak-dip). The Jupiter field is therefor magnetic lens-imaging the solar field, and happens to be effecting a 30 deg. lead and lag,- on field strength alone we fore-expect.
[SEE ALSO New Earth]
[SEE ALSO Sunspot Triggering, cleared in 2005]
[This summary hereïn awaits recomputation on the daily sunspot database by a supercomputer using normal-distribution or advanced solar-rotation semi-cosine filtering, or even newer solar-farside phonography available only for recent years, instead of the common 12-month box-filter (that imposes a sinc-function, sin x/x, confusion) … but these first by-hand results stand reliable]
A premise discovery under the title,