One solar, sun, anomaly is its spin: faster in the center and poles, than at the surface - calculus answers ... |
Consider a system of bouncing molecules in a rotating gravitational field: The average motion of molecules is zero with respect to the system rotation angular velocity, or more specifically in horizontal ring zones, we may consider the ring rotation velocity as constant.
Consider a sample pair of opposing-equal-speed molecules as representative in the average system motion of all molecules: One, moves forward in the ring system rotation frame, and one, rearward ... the vertical and horizontal velocity components contribute nothing to this consideration because the energy of such motion is the same despite the sign of the velocity difference. However, in the forward-rearward comparison, we note specifically the forward molecule is more bouyant in the gravitational field (It tends upward-outward against the gravity as it proceeds in its -microscopic- momentary orbit) because it has greater total forward velocity with respect to the gravitational center in the cosmic frame. And the rearward molecule has lesser total forward velocity, than the average, and so is less buoyant (It tends downward-inward due to gravity). But also count the faster, forward molecule has greater energy of velocity, greater momentum, and the rearward molecule has less energy or momentum ... thus, energy or momentum is carried upward-outward from the gravitational center:-- A rotating gravitational frame sheds its momentum, outward.
Thus stars, which are gas plasmas, and galaxies which are as-clouds of stars, less spherical or elliptical, and many planar, exhibit energy-momentum shedding; And stars exhibit faster velocities farther from their centers and polar regions central to the rotation axis --(while galaxial velocities are controlled more by gravitational linkages in their 'arms'). Convections tend to mix and undo the effect, making systems rotate more evenly, and we may not find shedding so obvious in the case of small stars, giant gas planets, hot nebulae (depending on further evidence-gathering). And further, we see that the 'lack-of-momentum' is 'dropped' toward the center thus accumulating 'slower' molecules - which in the case of galaxies, swallow each other into a few super-gigantic gravitational mass-holes in lazy orbit about each other.
This also explains why the rings of Saturn are flat-thin: Thermal-like motion of rarefied gas, dust, particles, bouncing in the pre-ring cloud transformed in Saturn's gravitational field, forward/rearward motion momentum-shedding outward/inward, inexorably reduced its dimensionality to flat ring, de-thermalized "super-conducted cloud-strings." (Conjecturably the early cosmos shed momentum, too.)
[This may also add insight to the operation of electrons and photons, as these too, rotate; But their self-attraction is electrodynamic, electrostatic and electromagnetic rather than gravitational, and substructure velocities are speed-of-light flow in mass-energy space]
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