(a spec'script)
(Comeback Mouse in Uproar Bit)
a romantic engineered comedy, PG
Mr. Raymond Kenneth Petry, Strategic Director
a Wision--Sesquatercet USA production
The Mouse That Roared, roars back to orbit,
hitching its waggin' to its brightest star.
(a division of Lanthus Corporation)
[index][screenplay][music][sets&settings][budget][prospectus][roles][casting and crews]
Cold War was the dish best served with chutzpah. But it's colder and funnier when the
tiny duchy of Gran Fenwijk restarts the space race for international prestige by
building the world's first nuclear powered skyhook and a traditional spinning
roulette-wheel space-hotel at MEO; hires a headwaitress and invites the world's
Presidents for its Grand Opening-Up and marriage-made-in-heaven finale...
A light-hearted real-science satire.
"This time the mouse captures all the world's big cheeses."
This is by design a Hollywood pro forma story expanding one science theory:
the efficacy of a nuclear powered skyhook to MEO (middle Earth orbit)
on 1/20th the length of a GEO (geosynchronous) elevator cable--
the expansion is what a little motive and effort might thereby accomplish.
The movie shall be available digitally recorded widescreen 2:1 stereo'eyes'ed
4Mpx 30 fps released on 3D-HD-DVD, HDDVideo, standard 35mm film (telecined
celluloid), home-theater HDTV/DVD/DTV, VCR etc.
(Stereo'eyes'ed 3.5-D is viewable with white
sexichrome or polarized safety-goggles; The advantage of digital is its
reproducibility for the future of both broadcast and movie-house.) The initial
shoot shall be direct to gigabyte hard-drive; wavelet-compressed and copy-saved
to DVD+RAM;- the digitized sound and music edited in synchronized frames-fractions
of a second. Image generation shall be further enhanced and assisted by
state-of-the-art computer facility.
[Music specified in this screenplay is the Strategic Director's selection
from hundreds of CD's of existing works by artists whose timbre and lyrics fit
each onscreen activity, and is not otherwise representative of project
Sesquatercet and its purposes]
Mr. Raymond Kenneth Petry, independent research scientist, is the author
of FUNDAMENTAL CONTROVERSES: Christian Science Class Instruction, taking-up
the Holy Biblical Scripture as a synopsis of mankind's Scientific purpose
on Earth, (web-published); and as well, Project NEMO advanced-topics
science articles base including his 1984 discovery of presolar
remnant star core Pluton. A 1973 UCSD graduate,
BA, Mathematics Dept., Mr. Petry is a former crypto-Tempest digital electronics
engineer with former Linkabit Corp. of San Diego, CA, in digital radio
satellite communications systems for the former SAC Command Post.
He has also served as Board Of Regents Appointee Lecturer in mathematics
at UH Manoa, HI; and Vice President on his prior branch Church Executive Board,
Eighth of San Diego; and is Founder and current Trustee-Director of The
Son Dey School of Christ Science, the erstwhile project 'lambhorn'; And,
since 2001, is President CEO of Lanthus Corporation and
Director of its Surrogate Executive Accessions Management, and its
new-market PubNatSec and pdqbanking divisions. Mr. Petry writes
science docudrama, science-hypercubed, science-scenario, feature
screenplays, based on satellite photography, Biblical astronomical fact,
correlative scientific Scriptural exegesis, and mathematical induction, in his
repertoire at Wision--Sesquatercet
USA productions (registrar; division of Lanthus Corp),
where he is also Strategic Director and Principal Screenwriter;
He has several more works in research and development.
As profferred Adult.Basic.Educator to the Internet, Mr. Petry acts as liaison to
scientific organizations primarily in the cosmo-thematical studies, mankind's common
past and connected future, presenting science in an entertaining redacted format.
[Mr. Petry also maintains several websites and posts on usenet news-groups and forums in
the mathematics, sciences, technologies, digital electronics and computer engineering,
and USA Presidential political-campaigning]
The story is a classic 4-act comedy:
- Establish the dilemma; invent the ideal overly big solution: prove it;
- Expose its major obstacle-flaws; apologize: hear what others say;
- Make fine adjustments; resume development: get three appraisals;
- Open it to the top public critics, who make of it like children;
And-- Be sure to get the beau to propose to the belle.
[Famous Patriarch] Returns
ALT TITLE: Yo-Yo Mouse
ALT TITLE: Mene Midi Mici
ALT TITLE: Mouse Overbored
ALT TITLE: Centrifugal Mouse
ALT TITLE: On-Mouse-All-Over
ALT TITLE: Mouse Jacks The Sky
ALT TITLE: Mouse Overly Exorbitant
ALT TITLE: Comeback Mouse Uber Alles
ALT TITLE: Mouse Wears Van Allen's Belt
ALT TITLE: Comeback Mouse In Uproar Bit
ALT TITLE: The Mouse That Ate The Budget
ALT TITLE: Mouse Takes-On Shuttle Diplomacy
ALT TITLE: The Mouse That Skyjacked The Earth
ALT TITLE: Comeback Mouse In Stiff Upper Orbit
ALT TITLE: Mouse Droppings In The Skies Over Gran Fenwijk
ALT TITLE: etc. etc. etc. (over 145, last count)
PITCH: The Mouse That Roared, roars back to orbit, hitching its waggin'
to its brightest star.
TAG: Outerspace is very very cold; and very very funny.
TAG: Children these days: They take their own mother to outer space.
TAG: In outer space, Presidents are like extended family members.
TAG: I've never been so high in all my years as President.
TAG: A colder gassier space hotel war.
LOGLINE: Moonlandings passé, the tiny duchy of Gran Fenwijk restarts
the space race for international prestige by building the world's first
nuclear powered skyhook and space hotel casino; And wins handsdown up.
Cf The Mouse That Roared. 1:45 PG
KEYWORDS: securities-exchange, sunday-mornings, ruritania, political, satire,
actor-playing-multiple-roles, us-senate, nasa, space-station, space-shuttle,
air-force, nuclear-weapons, cold-war, end-of-the-world, destiny, planet-earth,
adult-music-redubbed-for-children, nuclear-terrorism, nuclear-winter, marriage,
tearjerker, slapstick, comedy, revelations, meteor, ufo, amateur-video-news,
international, presidents, detente, world-domination, video-gambling,
happy-ending, comeback, sequel
BILLED AS: The Changing Of The History
GENRE: a romantic engineered comedy, PG
DIRECTOR: [Famous Patriarch]
Duchess (Famous Patriarch; double role)
Son (Famous Hot Property Adult Male)
USA Senator's Secretary Waitress Daughter (Famous Hot Property Adult Female)
Copilot second son (Hot New Property Adult Male)
Russian Prime Minister Pudin (double Duchess, portly-plus like 'Ollie')
USA President Horhay J-J Butch (Famous Established Property Female)
Executive angel-transient (Famous Established Property Male; reprise role)
Professor (Classic Choice Property Senior Male)
USA Senator Father (Choice Property Male)
200 more, presidents, senators, ambassadors, military attaches, entourages
(in order by alphabet, appearance, MFN-rank, dialog-length, pay, or memory)
President Strauch of Germany (slim like 'Stanley')
President Buisson of France
President Cespuglio of Italy
President Kaisou of Japan (short)
President Cserje Bokor of Hungary
President Krzak of Poland
President Rubus of the Latinium States
President Bujo of Esperantia
Mad Surfer President
British Minister of Out There
President Arbusto of Spain or Portugal
President Heester of the Netherlands
President Huang Cong Po of China
President Kust Kschak of West Israel
President Busk of Denmark
President Børste Skrubbe of Norway
President Böghürtlen of Turkey
President Xamoklado Thamnos of Greece
President Thammag Dreas of Scotland
(Presidents) Tall, Medium, Short
(Presidents) First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Fifth-aide
(Presidents) Resoluters, War Hawks
Prime Minister Freebush of Canada
some-ought, a few
plump one, someone, another, pious one, yet another
anyone, anyother, another, someone-near, another-near
restrainers, targetees
several at the air lock
someone, another, someone near, anyone, any other, any else
some#1-6, other#1-6
one, hummers
Q, A
USNucleer presidential attache
RUSNucleer presidential attache
AstroPilot hero
Gunners with handheld body-nude(PG-13)-scanners
10 Astro-Stewardesses
stock exchangers: investors, mavericks
matron, butler
3-5 others: fast one, slow one, third one
pupil crew: anyone#1-4, some odd, another#1-7, someone, someone else, anyone, smart, smarter, comeback
royal windowwasher
swing-stunt child, 2 assisting children
senior miniature golfers playing croquet
SPACE HOTEL: (redup. Fenwijk)
Foreman Balzac
Town Crier (in orbit)
First Waitor to Duchess
carpentry crew: workers, diaper-out, driller
1-2 sous chefs, 2-4 helpers
2 waiters, 4 cart-waiters, 4 ushers
2 waiters catching
Inspectors: Jim, Harry
3-5 backgrounders (implicit)
Mr. Kenny [voice male]
sultry [female phone-voice]
e-voice-warnings by desciption:
[ENG], [GER], [FR], [IT], [SP], [POR], [RUS], [ESP]
[living-portraitures of Great Gran Duchesses (Famous Matriarchs)]
[ad hoc television preachers]
man-shadow (redup. transient)
3 cute little gran'children
... and more with revisions ...
BUDGET: 105 min. medium before big names-- but with 200 all-timers
nobody particularly stands out as big-budget....
Facing a new financial crisis when secret Russian backing is cut-off,
the US-dollar market collapses, Sunday morning teatime, in the Duchy
of Gran Fenwijk.
The Professor, inventor of the Q-bomb (electrical Q), borrows phrase
from his Duchess praising their Son's daily F-23 practice on the woodshed,
for pulling their little country forward to new technological heights
unforeseen, to invent his amazingly cheap sky-hook-to-space-orbit launcher:
and the first space hotel ... it's real-science, real scenario.
The Duchess and Son convince NASA to launch the Professor's
"communicationsing" satellite - 90 tons of Russian aluminum,
two, thousand-mile coils of centimeter braid borazine-carbide nanofiber
in canisters, a small nuclear power generator, and operation radio-controls -
to MEO "Middle Earth Orbit".
And, with their one supersonic F-23 national-defense jet, a prior throw-away
bargain from the USA, after its manufacturer lost that contract, their pilots
fly up to catch the end of the cable, hang on and swing up to orbit,
unload supplies at the construction site, and return ... the nuclear power
supplying the pull to keep the orbit in full high swing.
The Professor describes his vision to the Fenwijkian building crew:
a 100x20m casino-roulettish plate-wheel spinning upright, 1000 mile altitude
over a great circle of the Earth, with light-strips up the red and black
spokes and along the moss-green annulus. And the Son flies dozens of workers
packed by 2's behind the Copilot seat, who remain in space building Gran
Fenwijk's Hotel Gran MEO.
Months go quickly, troubles are handled ... a commercial jet gets in their
path, and they abort back to Fenwijk; an incoming cometary dust cloud,
and Son diverts and deploys a Sidewinder-X missile to fend,
but he's diverted into the path of the International Space Station.
Dismissing the effusive Fenwijkian apologies for the demise of the Station;
the US Senator is suspicious about ex-orbit-ant [clue-word] fuel costs for
the Duchess' Son's F-23, which she explains as con-comit-ant [clue-word] with
training an additional pilot.
Son takes-in some small fishing; An applicant hires-on through an online
advertisement for a cute spacey waitress in a remote diner, and gets the
castle tour ... she's actually the US Senator's staid secretary daughter
who takes the head-waitress secret-security-job in her bare-midriff
miniskirt outfit. They take her up to the near-completed Hotel Gran MEO.
She radio-calls Daddy to let him know what's really up.
Then Son takes the Duchess up to Hotel MEO for the Grand Upening, with
the Copilot on her lap as she won't sit behind him and she likes flying,
now. They settle in national-hotel-emblemed white-jacket dinner-formals
as Maitre-de's; Duchess in nouveau spacer-regalia; the Fenwijkian workers
reattired as waiters.
Grand Upening guests arrive, Presidents, Senators, Ambassadors, British Minister
of Out-There, by orbit-transfer-vehicles capsules from Space Shuttles. The Waitress
discovers a transient attired in formal angel-whites trying his Capitol EXtremes
Games coin-tokens in keyholes and eating from the workmen's dinners, who'd been
stowaway'ed aboard the OSHA Hotel Inspection Mission with a bag of tokens,
and wants to go home (a super cameo role).
The Grand Upening buffet is held in the space-view-surrounded Grand
Bouffe Room: Its ceiling vaults to top-dead-center view of the
gravity-spinning hotel.
Trouble sparks when Grand Upening party cake flags are found switched
between the Russian and USA cakes, by the earlier-taste-testing German
President, and they stake them on the German's cake, dividing the icing
east and west and mock-up nuclear-war over Germany's ignored surrender,
posturing massive retaliations, ellipton bombes, new clear-missiles, and
developing in the first-ever fork-flung cake-lobbing space-war.
The Russian and USA President climb above the uproar but coming closer in the
height lose footing and bounce across the room and roll back down. The Duchess
attempts to restore the party atmosphere, pulls out her garter pistol, and waving it,
orders a cessation of hostilities. Guests restrain her from using a gun in a space but
she blusters a shot at the wall—and ALL STOP as a 6-in. hole behind the Waitress,
the air escaping, grabs her skirt, the Son heroically extracts her, and as the air thins,
the hole shrieks sucking a bluish dancing vortex, meanwhile an astropilot restuffs a
dinner turkey with dishes, and charges--retrograde--flying at his goal-hole, and plugs
it--the hole squealing its last--and APPLAUSE! And then, the Son notices the waitress'
plight and promptly hides her, begging forgiveness, and proposes, guests encourage
prenuptial agreements and fashion a golden tablecloth wedding gown, and the pair join
in the first holy space matrimony as waiters roll-out an already-decorated wedding-cake.
The Duchess is all grins as she's gotten two-birds with a single stowin'.
And amid opening cans of sodas gushing-up foam, the scene closes on-- the
transient playing electronic casino games in the background, jack-pots credits
with triple Earth-planets, and bouncily exclaims, "There's no, place like, hoooommme..."
(too bouncy for low gravity).
Epilog: The Duchess closes the bedtime storybook for three little gran'children;
and the Royal Son and former-waitress Wife live happily ever after....
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- unauthorized use, treble standard;
- final charges greater or lesser per U.S.A. Copyright Law,
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© 2001-2016 Mr. Raymond Kenneth Petry