nuclear force
Does a nuclear "strong force" exist for calculatory
purpose? |
The most-obvious localized-"strong force" in a nucleus is the cumulative electronic force
apparent at the multiply-variegated surface delineating a nucleon: the
charge-energy-mass loops, estimably more than 1836, running parallel within, essentially
the combined semi-electronlike positive and negative charges comprising a nucleon:-
Adjacent nucleons lock-up their variegations only in close proximity, And this strong,
force, is similar to what configures the nucleon mass-energy within themselves. (*)
* (The related question is, Why, there are so-few stable nuclear particulations:
the electron obviously, proton, radioactive neutron.)
Between nuclei, probably possibly not--
Three light nuclear elements, 5He, 5Li, 6Be,
have such brief half-life's, on the order of zeptoseconds (10-21 sec.),
-the time a neutron moves a femtometer, a nuclear radius, at 0.003C (5KeV 60K°),
yet with energy of about a neutron popping, 1.29MeV, or hydrogen H-fusion, 1.45MeV,
(no report of neutrinos?),-
that the so-called half-life is probably a nuclear-massage capture dither-time:
an IT, Internal Transition reconfiguration from stray neutron meeting internal
neutron to become deuterium, momentarily changing 4He + n →
(3He+e+2D) nuclear-internally: --a not-a-strong-force attachment--
... "What force opposes the nuclear strong force of a neutron?"-
Answer ... Possibly Pauli-exclusion applied to electrons in adjacent neutrons:--
In particular the structure of 4He may be deduced from the comparatively
significant half-life's of 6He and 8He ...
imputing that a single neutron has no "strong force" attraction to a 4He
nucleus, but pairs of neutrons will attach as a split electron-deuteron pair ...
whence the internal configuration for 4He, is, an electron in the
center holding a four-proton tetrahedron together, the other electron jumping
around about, attaching momentarily to any or each of the protons as neutrons ...
and likewise room for another pair.
Between nucleons, within a nucleus or "under-the-radius," more yes,--
First calculating the electromagnetic overlap of charges reversing force direction
so that charge-repulsion becomes attraction in the overlap, and vice versus.
[See also Aether-splitting at high top-energy density]
But even then, the 1970's "Standard Model" is incomplete:--
Example neutron decay products, n → p + e + ν¯(antineutrino) +
DC-pulse-photon, as the electron highspeed escapes the proton, the separating
opposite charges dipole-radiate photonlike energy into space (but noncyclic, not
very visible, and not in a directional ray sense),- a 2-D radially diminishing
wave perpendicular to the p-e axis ... an unmodeled zero point energy ...
[under construction]
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