the speed of ocean waves depends on wavedepth measures; the cosmic speed of photons depends on electron charge; the supra-light-speed of gravity depends on aggregates |
* (unless the wave-length were halved, which were a color blue-shift, or the wave-velocity were halved, which were wave-energy interaction: This fact also tells us that photon(s) must exhibit side-deflection: that they cannot merge so gradually as to exist as double-height for some photon-length significant distance: which so neatly contradicts the contemporary theory, that it must admit the alternative: crossing waves change speed instantaneously as self-siphoning venturi-solitons.)
(Note, the electron dropping into atomic orbit loses some of its fringe mass-energy-and-charge even as its core accelerates, -which becomes the photon-energy-and-charge-pair: the other half from the atom's nucleons:- and it might therefor be better said, energy 'absorbs in the electron orbital' rather than 'adsorbs to its core-individu'entity' [coinword], and system-charge remains constant.)
The more common abundant photons by which the speed of light has been ascertained a primary constant (but is secondarily affected locally by electrochemical index of refraction, globally by astro-scale gravity, universally by cosmic aether density nuances) -- these, are generated and correspondingly adsorbed in single-electron-charge accelerations (whether atomic scale or galactic-core-hole magneto-flux-loop scale).
But the velocities of waves depend on wave-depth wave-extent measures, whatever the neutral mass associated with the generator, whether (for photons) electrons, or muons 208x heavier: Though the slower produces rumplier waves their polycycle composite wave-shape wavelength may be similar: as their charges are the same, and orbit-shifting deflections do not involve direct-linear parallel but perpendicular kinetic-motion particle-velocity accelerations. And it is considerable that photons generated by other than electrons (other than single-electron charges, as is the common mode of experimentation) might have other velocities: double-charge, double-slow. (For comparative example, ocean tsunamis of very long wave-length, travel 100x faster than the 100x slenderer wake behind a canal boat: The energy in such transverse waves must move the water mass perpendicularly, vertically: a wave-velocity compounded of hard-to-compress forward and softer-to-gravitate vertical motions: The oncoming wave-energy pushes water out of its way, which is sooner up: The deeper wave (longer transversal wave) is limited to the speed of the compressive wave.)
(The density of the cosmic aether might thereby be determined relative to the internal-reshaping density of photons over great distance....)
The graviton, a longitudinal or compressional wave, the fastest wave possible, dissipates radially: Whence it should be nomenclatured, gravinon.
This does leave open the possibility of a gravitational conduit conducting (siphoning) graviton waves across the cosmos 20x faster than the speed of light -- for communication at sub-electronic bandwidth.
On tiny integrated circuitry scale this would be impractical as dynamic control chews-up energy, unless accomplished by paralleling positive-negative charge-doped regions along the wire to pre-twist or pre-saturate the aether (mentionable only because solidstate structures constitute the design of semiconductor circuitry, but any realestate for charge-guides tends also to disadvantageous; If random-read memory serves, a Russian team tried this already.) This would also be plainly impractical for interplanetary distances, unless the aether adjustment occurred naturally such as in magnetic flux-tubes between mass-hole singularities.
But if magnetic "lines" (charge-winding-lines) can be aimed without diverging and slowing (*) then super-light-speed, communication, is possible; eg. a coil with shaped end output,-- but the angle of helicity may also need exact compensation: Pitching the electric wires in the coil is but a first-order attempt as electrons thermal themselves will need to move at that perfect angle to avoid recombination of magnetic lines into half-photons at some distance and possibly loss of super-light-speed thereafter ... cf a superconducting helical-coil aligned with a perpendicular electron-guidance-aligning, linear, superconducting (coil),-- which is like a linearized electron definition.
* (It is simplistic to imagine a magnetic field as emanating like radiant circles on water, thinning while maintaining its speed, as such waves are transversal and the equivalent magnetic field likewise, -better illustrated as an expanding smoke-ring,- is transversal and travels nearer light-speed-- one more stable ring-mode in the aether.)
Yet, the most practical application might include control of aether-sponge shearing, separating aether-thread connections, to isolate an interstellar ship for aether-pushing faster-than-light, aether-slip travel.
Gravity by its range of significant measure is considered to be a very low frequency very long conglomerate wave: the cumulative tails of all the protons and electrons (and nominally within neutrons and nuclei) in a gravitational mass: the longer effectual wavelength implicating greater wave-depth and wave-velocity. Moving unified together, the gravity of individual particles cannot be detected much faster than the speed of photonic light information, but in large aggregate the main bulk of the gravitation wave moves fast (a cosmic tsunami-wave). Gravity has lower total information content than photons -- as much as one photon, in that its wavelength is longer but equally faster. The maximum velocity of large-wave gravity is limited by the speed of the cosmic aether itself.
The speed-of-aether theory should be adjusted for electro-symmetries.
This might be particularly useful for doubling and tripling the speed of information for interstellar communications well-above light-speed: especially since single photons are of little use in signalling over cosmic distances: Develop the longwave-photon, and join the cosmo-net.
The speed of light in the cosmos depends on the cosmic aether base density, and aether ripple (gravity),- but in the early renormalizing cosmos bounce, more by the general-photon density aether ripple hindering their own (Photons pass through each other but picoscopic slowing was significant by cosmic-sum-total in the early moments, enough to put the cosmic wall ten billion years away without counting ten billion our-years to get there ... until the cosmic energy-base congealed into proton mass (the antiprotons eliminated by destructive multiplication to excess electrons), greatly increasing the speed of light between, albeit still dense enough to slow by photon bouncing till further decreased density resulted in hydrogen clarity,- then the early cosmos light-and-neutrino shell escaped back for the outer cosmos, and the cosmos cooled to hydrogen vapor, thinning to become gravitationally unstable in the decreasing cosmic resonances, and walls formed, and planetary globules from that, and superstars from coalescing globules, which burned quickly in millions of years, and supernova'ed, further condensing the galactic walls and throwing heaving metals into the mass measurable on contemporary scales as ten billion lightyears across-- by photons no longer hindering themselves.)
A premise discovery under the title,