notes of adjustment to a theoretic "cosmic big bang" |
Anisotropy (unevenness) of cosmic microwave background radiation (see COBE Satellite) confirms the entropy-existence presumption that our universe was formed inside another [REF ExtraCosmos] as the condensification of a stellar mass about-10 sols, to a mass-hole singularity which then renormalized in micro-mass-energy (like upwellings in a pool of water) frequency-doublings in nonlinear-chaotic aether at the 'bottom' of the gravity singularity well. (Renormalization factors like 10^20 gave us 10^20 star-masses).
The original crunch reached mass-energy 'flux' densities commonly attributed to the "cosmic big bang" scenario and to gravitational mass-singularities: a blend of photonic and neutrinic [and soon leptonic] micro-wavicles; initially merely energy in motion:- the mass-energy tends to remain energy-rich [photonic] because mass-rich [leptonic] microzones are a blend of anti/matter, which is mutually meta-stable: the energy flux barely slows anti/matter from settling into anti/matter wavicle co-transformation back to [photonic] energy ... until the initial wave-flux event expands and cools somewhat.
Matter vs. antimatter micro-mass dominates at the bottom of a singularity-well because the original extracosmic star was the other (opposite) anti/matter itself and its slight electrostatic charge due to thermionic emission, retained in stellar collapse to neutron star density (the nuclear charge buoying its iron-ion crust against gravity), quark-star density, and following into the singularity, lead to exponential overtake in preferential decay of the opposite-anti/matter protons in lepton-baryon collisions: Cf an electron-antiproton collision double-charges the baryon, which is unstable and instead decays spontaneously to two electrons -whence its exponentiality- amid a spray of overall-neutral subnuclear particles and energies; whereas electron-proton collisions result in neutrons, and electron-neutron collisions revert most readily,- fairly more stably processed, slower-enough that proton and electron populations survive at higher equilibrium and quickly, cosmic-bang instantly, overtake their anti's, resulting in a one-matter-type universe as astrophysicists find. Whence the mass-aether of a singularity gains a dominance-preference due an initially slight -lack-of- charge favoring the anti-charge ... and our cosmos is opposite-matter of the outside extracosmos star it once-was. [*]
(It is theoretically notable that except for that small initial nuclear charge surplus, the singularity could as easily have converted to the opposite-matter by slight opposite charge surplus ... meaning the "information" of which-type-matter-predominates is trivial: only the initial-nuclear-charge "information" is retained. Furthermore, if precosmic stellar collapse is delayed and interior nuclear charge flushed to the surface, a singularity might convert so close to neutral that matter-and-antimatter co-survive the cosmic-bang process: a stray surplus electron might trigger a local region of matter surrounded by a moat of void in the larger antimatter singularity ... our innermost cosmos could be one of many within an antimatter cosmos multiply larger than telescopically visible beyond our interface-moat-shell,- a matter-enclave within an antimatter intracosmos defined in the above-described process, within the extracosmos.)
When the initial wave-flux event reached mass-formation (typ. est. T=0.2 msec.) 'coagulating' at neutron-star density,- for a brief instant (typ. est. 0.5 sec.),- protons and neutrons were 'still' hot enough to cross-convert, continually,- generating a barrage of neutrinos cooked at the same temperature,- until it reached sufficient coolness to stop production (1.29 MeV)....
Long before that coolness was attained, neutrinos outflowing at the intracosmos surface in all directions, promptly or quickly or soon arcked back in the wave-flux aether-like gravity, except those going most directly radially outward, which stayed out -up- longest ... and as fallbacks recycled, a preponderance gradually cumulated of those staying out (limb-darkening to narrow-angle-only) while the cosmos interior cooled, and these climbing in the mass-singularity gravity, pushed outward new bounds of the cosmic wall, toward the outercosmos-- a meso-cosmos shell of neutrinos and photons.
With neutrinic pressure failing-off at the intracosmic surface (gamma-photonic, leptonic, thermal pressure retained), the surface re-thickened as the inward cosmos continued its unabated 'expansion-appearance' mode renormalization, crunching outward against that slowing surface. -If the surface re-reached nuclear density it may have momentarily stopped or pulsated the neutrino-flux: cf supernova SN1987A;- but a moment later (perhap uncharted tens of seconds: ibid) the neutrino outflow settled and cooled (against cooling spreading nuclei), and the neutrino-flux density diminished toward the outer intracosmos at a speed-of-light slowing quickly toward standard value. (Photons did not escape till much later, typ. est. 700K years, after the cosmic plasma density thinned well-below electron degeneracy, and reached gamma-photon-tranparency.)
NOTE. Because contemporary measurable cosmic hot-neutrino-flux, most notably from our sun (which has been deemed at a paucity itself) and a few supernovae events, is so low as to be not-directly detected more than few as background events, we can estimate that the early-cosmos neutrino-flux either escaped entirely [ibid: extracosmos: energy escaping from so-called, black holes] or diminished to very much cooler by scattering in the quickly cooling cosmos (scattering un-dominated around a billion years), or like photons from the distant wall of the cosmos, remaining neutrinos Doppler-red-shifted.
Consequently the cosmic background radiation energetic neutrinos are mostly all still going outward; only a minuscule portion slowly turning back inward to race through the now-clear cosmos and go out the other side; the lesser energetic neutrinos are too cool to be observed down in the X-ray-neutrino range (1-100 KeV), but enough to keep radionuclides spontaneously exponentially radiodecaying (and probably numerous unexperimented IT-neutrinos by nuclear Internal Transitions, further cooling the once-cosmic horde).
How-much X-ray-neutrino background energy is available, can be approximated by the rate of decay of radionuclides (eg. Uranium half-life 4.5 billion years; but faster radionuclide indicate significant sub-KeV UV-ray-neutrino-flux), the detection yet paucity of solar neutrinos and their energies (typ. est. 3 MeV), to-be-reported deflection rates in cryogenic BEC (atomic condensate) experiments, and the nucleon-neutrino capture rate (typ. est. well-below 10^-15 per nucleon *). From first available information, a first-estimate puts the cosmic neutrino-flux sufficiently high for various radiodecay times in milliseconds, seconds, days, years, but the energy may be very small: eV per proton-scatter (presuming scattering distorts radionuclide to spontaneously decay, -merely a presumption at this writing),... the cross-section of the cosmos is about 10^52 square meters,... (to-be-calculated) the total remnant average cosmic neutrino-flux energy, might be gigawatts/cc of un-captured KeV or sub-KeV neutrinos. (It is apparently not enough to significantly warm sun-distant planets such as Pluto, noticeably at the 10^-15 capture rate.)
* (Contemporary information is sparse: 10^-12 solar neutrinos interact in the Earth, though touching 10^9 nucleons, putting the interaction rate below 10^-21 per nucleon, but 20% scatter sufficiently to be missing in NDE detectors on Earth's nightside: whence scattering, beyond an Earth radius, is about 10^-5 radian-per (check arithmetic) and whether these contribute instaneously to uranium decay is not-yet reported.)
This also concerns the radiodecay rates far from the sun; and on the nightside of big planets, eg. the central line through Jupiter has maybe ten times the obscuration of that of Earth, whence about .8^10 ~ 10% solar-neutrino translucency, and 90% scattered.
* [See also nucleon structure]
Further of interest, the total cosmic gravity is strongest acting at the inner-cosmic outer-boundary, a pressure packing the cosmos into an entropic ball; --the actual mass of the cosmos is its aether renormalized and clarified (not the superficial stellar scoriaceans floating through) holding open a central living-space by its superfluid flux (the outward bound neutrino flux riding atop that) while its total cosmic gravity holds the outer cosmos together as a predominantly one-way boundary: external mass-energies can enter (as with black-holes, things can drop-in) but a mesocosmic shell of neutrinos and photons, only gradually if ever turning-back, shred in-falling debris and protect the inner cosmos from transient lightspeed yottaprotons that would otherwise rip worlds apart.
A premise discovery under the title,