Quiet stellar asterisms stabilized by potential-for-kinetic energy exchange among stars passing internal neighbors, may be brooding-nests for spacer civilizations |
Example, a system of a thousand stars within a thousand-AU diameter, of smallish suns averaging 100 AU separation, crossing-through at a mile-per-second, taking 3-thousand years to cross, each with a direct likelihood of meeting another 1/100M, totalling 1/10K/3K = 1/30M years, meeting, decreased by asterism stability, may be survived by billions of years of space-going civilizations as old as our galaxy, encouraged by the proximity of stars, stellar passings over hundreds of years, the availability of planets to colonize, and soon enough competitive technologies in developing stellar and interstellar neighborhoods, and thence visiting "space aliens" ... Eventually, a pair of stars will be destroyed,- but more frequently, by 1/10K years, a star will pass so close as to disrupt a bio-planet and drive its entire civilization to recognize the approaching doom and take a mass-exodus,-- eventually not-necessarily to other local planets.
Tight asterisms may be abundant as "red giants" unresolved at distance, and former subgalaxy cores from the galaxy coalescence era.
This article was developed in part for a project Sesquatercet movie-story.
A premise discovery under the title,