absolute cold, subground basement pe state *
Quantum numbers apply to 'cyclic' electron orbitals because
'cyclicity' is wavelike; But, stopped-altogether, is not...
* ('pe state' is the proton-electron pair at standoff, subapproximating a neutron,
strictly subatomic, subasymptotic, nonnuclear.)
[See also supraneutronium/ferroneutronium,
"In the early cosmos there was no direction in the sky that was not equally warm all
year round ... there was no year, no north pole, no snow, no chilly season, except the
scientists could "invent cold" ... interesting by comparison when today the common
people know what cold, means, it took major NASA-esque science and research to even
discover, what, cold was, in the early cosmos: They had to deduce from star-hot to
ordinary-temperature meant there's a scale of heat extrapolable to "Ice Cold! Water
Freezes! Amazing Discovery!" Eventually they got it down to absolute zero ... But they
probably went right-on-by and discovered so-cold that atomic electrons stop moving and
just, sit, outside the nucleus ... Modern Science hasn't gotten that far, yet."
(RKP/9/20/2004 premise for my screenplay, Absolute Negative: In The Beginning Of The
Cosmos [-10Gyr science scenario PG-13])
'Absolute Zero' temperature -Kelvin, Rankin,- is where atoms are not moving, and electrons
are all in the lowest-possible orbitals... However, such electrons are yet moving orbitally
even 10% lightspeed, E = (1/2) me (10% c)² = 2.6KeV = 30M°K, fully
entrained, Very hot compared to electrons standing-off nuclei packed in a '0s'-layer
structured electron-degeneracy much colder than ground state ... In supranuclear, subatomic
chemistry, electrons are not reabsorbed, because basement pe state is colder still, having
less mass-energy than nuclear-captured electrons... a hyperdense matter usable for neutron
shields, direct-fusion fuel (absolute-cold-fusion by nuclear proximity very low temperatures;
possibly by gamma-laser*).
* (Gamma-laser-cooling might accomplish it, extracting energy thereby in "stimulated
emission of radiation").
- In natural occurrences an electron dropping in on a proton, accelerates to 100% excess
energy of an orbital,- which excess it then radiates as a photon till it sits in the
orbital. In the rare occasion that the electron drops straight in without orbiting, it
bounces right back out because it cannot form a neutron without 0.78MeV additional
(minimum not including energy lost in the radiant wave of the electron meeting the
proton, and an antineutrino in forming a neutron; Likewise for other nuclear species);
- The presence of normal-matter, even cold, acts as an entrained plasma baseground:
continual neighbor electron motion, aether-ripple gravity, mossbauer-synchronization,
maintain motion in all electrons: preventing significant duration of moment-loss ...
- Most meetings of orbital electrons with other wavicles and particles, transfer
energy and momentum to the whole atom;
- There are no smaller particles (wavicles) than electrons; their
momentum vectors pass-through-mutually without conversion ...
- Conservation of momentum, the subatomic equivalent of conservation of energy in
atomic thermo-electronics (nuclear neutrinos escape that), keeps electrons going,
preventing any quantity that might be eventually detectable (except by scientific design);
- Cosmic-aether 'renormalization-decay' may exceed the groundstate moment-loss rate,
(as well as 'redshifting' the cosmos);
- It does not occur naturally because orbital electrons are
spheric-minus-photonic wavefunctions (photons emitted in dropping to lower
orbitals), whereas stand-off electrons are spheric-minus-spheric
(warped by the nucleus) and thus do not occur in natural photon emission--
but must regain their photon-wavefunction-portion before dropping into the subatomic
near-nucleus zone.
- It may be the bulk of 'dark matter' between the galaxies: Isolated neutral hydrogen
that eventually lost its groundstate energy, or isolated from sufficient aether-ripple
its electron slowed and dropped, its orbital collapsed and vanished in simple telescopy;
- (The possible existence of He+-induced 3D-folded-orbital 'hydrino'
substates may have produced cosmic quantities during the prolonged, 11eV-coupling
era, in which He-1-s-2 and -2-s-1 are blocked and H gets the electron, for
HHe+ species-dominancy ... the 11eV era was estimably 87× longer
by the estimable 70×13.6eV energy released); *
- (The minimum-radius maximum energy-gain is probably about 18800/Z², beyond which the
electron loses all its mass, and having docked the nucleus equally in its descent to pe-state
if ca 2.8 fm for hydrogen about 2.3× 1.2 fm nuclear radius);
- (The same possibility of folded-orbital 'hydrino' substates may equivocate
more-significant cosmic background observations);
- The existence of basement pe state 'slow'-orbital spectral tiers may subvert
contemporary cosmic background identification;
- Visibility may be hampered by the non-quantum profile and dispersal of any 'photon'
generated by the much-smaller 'pe atom';
- Its tweedled-chirped photons are most likely undetectible as ordinary
photons, and may account for much of the 'dark energy';
- Such supercondensate would sink in any gravitational field, planet or stellar;
and its signature would never be detected topside;
- In star cores (10M°K proton/electron fields) supranuclear subatomic electrons are
reenergized to-and-above groundstate;
- Fusion (warm trigger) with most any sub-iron nucleus, returns 'normal' particles
disappeared from pe-special detection;
- Refusion (warm trigger) with above-iron nuclei, returns 'normal' particles
disappeared from pe-special detection;
- Dense 2-pe fusion (warm trigger) assisted by heavy nuclei, returns 'normal' particles
disappeared from pe-special detection;
- H-pe/pe-p fusion (autosynchronous may be spontaneous), returns 'normal' particles
disappeared from pe-special detection;
- Paired or multiple electrons synchronously cancel photoemission, and might
be the main reason pe state does not normally occur;
- The ultra-density of pe-state prevents ordinary electrochemical detection-capture,
(passing like polar-neutrons through atoms);
- Nuclear-'attached' pe-state, charge-tidally-drawn, sits far-below-1s and interacts
like a neutron-but-nondecaying.
* (N.B. The contemporary-astronomy dark:visible-mass-ratio, 5:1, includes galactic
stellar mass only as visible, plus supernova winds replenished much of the visible
gas; hence the true ratio may have been thousands-larger during an early cosmic
'dark-hydrogen' era creating ordinary, stars, wherein 'dark-matter' 'dark-hydrogen'
was promptly reenergized to normal-hydrogen for the now-ratio.)
- After the electron enters suborbital, folded-orbital 'hydrino' substate,
status, it will quickly deenergize by multiple major-photons, to pe status,
(multiple photons separated by perpendicular-polarity-co-emission photons at
- After the electron achieves suborbital pe status, it will fairly quickly
deenergize by direct radiation as the electron deorbits the nucleus, winding
down to cosmic-aether-full-stop with a long chirped-photon (possibly faster
than orbital which is indirect relying on the orbital itself to go through
distortions to emit a photon, albeit, pe status is sub-inverse-square, its
photons low-profile-becoming-lower and may take a while to reach full-stop;
full-stop may not be necessary for subsequent applications);
- (In general utility, cosmic-aether-stop may constitute a small drag).
- Production of the simplest pe may be also energy-productive:
Rpe-minimum << RC ~ 1.9pm, and reached from
Rground ~ 52.9pm, its workfunction ca 50% deeper [2nd-est.] yields
a factor of (~150%) * (~28) * 13.6 ~ 570eV output, but the electron far-below
quantum-orbital slows to near-stop and yields a factor of 250% ~ 950eV, which if
contained is equivalent to ~ 11.0M°K...
- Effectual pe workfunction temperature ~11M°K is close to p-e-p nuclear fusion,
but furthermore in pe-p fusion the electron is not transient but closely ensconced
at one nucleus and quickly radiative (autosynchronous), greatly multiplying the
fusion rate...
- Operational fusion temperature may be cool sub-stellar
15M°K - 11M°K ~ 4M°K...
- 'pe-loaded' heavy nuclei may yield accelerated assisted pe fusion....
- This 'absolute-cold degenerate basement pe state' is cold and condensive, (not like
the hot-degenerate electron state found in dwarf stars where the temperature prevents
fusion till eventually such stars implode in rapid carbon fusion type Ia supernova).
- But in the sense of 'cold' absorbing heat, subatomic basement pe state is nonquantized
direct-photo-energetic radiative, till at pe-minimum bottom-radius the proton-electron
charge-attractive work-function differential vanishes and pe state seems quite normal,
hot or cold, room temperature, warmed or cooled to its own specific heat; but dense.
- Yet, Note also that near the bottom radius where the charge-attraction is vanishing
smaller, no longer inverse-square, there are quantum-orbital tiers for slowing electrons
resuming quantum status ... A whole new chemistry exists down in the pe-basement.
- 'pe atoms' like polar-neutrons may cluster about hydrogen-nuclei, to be
'carefully' transported then de-clustered by 'shaking'.
- Heavier partly-pe-state nuclei, may be transported as 'ordinary matter'
then completed pe-state-reduced by pe-state hydrogen.
- For pe isotopes that do not spontaneously autofusion (electron-capture),
remaining orbital-electrons will seem utterly normal....
- (But electron-capture will not occur unless the pe-state energy is above
- A pe string can reach in and attach an ordinary nucleus; orbital electrons
will spread along the string, which may be stabilized by 'T's or 'X's
every 1010th in the pe string and so provide gripping-points for
ordinary nuclei.
- Usage may require some portion of the electrons in
wave-integral-orbital motion, as pe-bonding may be short-radius enough to fusion
immediately or at moderate temperatures anything less than iron.
- More polar than a neutron, a negatively-ionized (pe)- state
may exist, to transport pe, And heated to dissociation may fusion.
- In particular, adjacent hydrogen-nuclei protons would fusion to alpha
helons, and helons tri-fusion to carbon, ... up the nuclear-scale to iron
-which does not fusion;- Likewise, heavier nuclei placed in supranuclear
proximity would promptly fission-down to iron ... resulting in stable
ferroneutronium, at densest. (Only the gravitational
field of neutron stars could keep more neutrons packed in one 'nucleus',- and even
neutron stars are coated in electron-degenerate iron nuclei.)
- Fermi-level workfunctions at pe-minimum states in various isotopes, may allow
for pe-density extremely-high-voltage computing.
[Arithmetic being checked for energy of four in such standing-orbit compared to two in
ordinary moving orbit under supra nuclear-magnetic field-motion engagement ... as might
explain the maximum size of an atom as being where the nuclear-field no longer gives a
reduction to orbital electrons,... etc. theory;- reconsider co-nuclear-field interlock:
production might have to stop nuclear spin etc.]
This article was developed for a project Sesquatercet movie-story.
A premise discovery under the title,
© 2004, [2006, 2009], 2010 GrandAdmiralPetry@Lanthus.net