continuum camera holo-tracy conjecture
Conjecturally an historic-uv-ray/x-ray recording technology may be possible by examining
rocks or other hard-solids for uv-ray/x-ray tracks ... A screenwriter had suggested that
a mathematician would discover the means for direct-reviewing recent and distant time,
past; -a novel time-travel variant motif: no technology but a box, was presented;- And
being a mathematician as such, I considered its requirements: |
The recording medium:
Upon examination it seems quite feasible that hard-solid medium-mass elements may detect
and correlate glancing short-uv-rays and long-wave x-rays adjusting their inner 1-s and
2-s electrons; For practical examples, the inner electrons of diamond (carbon), quartz
(oxygen and silicon), ruby (oxygen and aluminum), long-commonly used ... but not ice,
glass, being plastic, iron being heavy-mass, silver, gold, being malleable, as would
lose or not get enough track-alignment in considerable historic time to reliably decode
their remnancy. The nuclear charge of oxygen, from the example, is typically 8,
drawing its innermost 1-s electron down to 870 eV well into the x-ray range. Heavier
nuclei might detect only the much-rarer higher-energetic short x-rays and y-rays which
would also not draw much of a picture to-be detected, except perhap of building
structures, not persons who made their history. . . .
UV-ray/x-ray sources:
Inner 1-s and 2-s electrons of medium-mass elements are well-isolated from other effects,
from lower energy visual photons abundant in the 1.6-3.2 eV range, and from nonabundant
but frequent y-rays (on Earth), and very-occasional and non-correlatable neutrinos ....
UV-rays and long-wave x-rays are moderately abundant from the sun, and from atmospheric
phenomena such as lightning and electric-sparks, and meteors (plasmas), and secondary
emissions from z-rays (cosmic rays), and some artificial sources, eg. modern TV screens,
and recent-older arc-light lamps ... and maybe from natural background elemental
radiodecay ... enough to take continual pictures ....
Early technology would possibly require large unmodified samples of fairly uniform-pure
substrate, gems, to simplify the calculations; And each sample would be calibrated in
contemporary uv-ray/x-ray background, until standard variances were determined.
The detection:
UV-rays and x-rays jog deep-inner electrons, readily flipping their angular and magnetic
moments, but uncaptured because that takes even more energy, to lift the electron above
the filled 2-p orbits (if those are filled, eg. from the example, silicon and aluminum),
and, thence going on their way to more nuclei... leaving a nominally straight string
of beaded nuclei, which can be tracked and correlated in matrix arithmetic .... However,
magnetic, and thereby angular, moments are affected by slower magnetic processes, and
in short order may undo (except in peculiarly preserved specimens, not abundant).
Nevertheless, a conjecturably better possibility exists in the amount of energy
capturable from the uv-ray/x-ray through nonlinear process:- If the jog is sufficient
to knock-about the 1-s and 2-s electrons, these will reemit, until, a symmetry is found
in the double-pair interaction with the nucleus itself: a three-body resonance, that
won't emit and won't capture (except the very rare re-tracking of single atoms),
settling for the rest of history ... And, This is the primary conjecture for detecting
historic past uv-rays/x-rays.
If the jog has a consistency among all jogged nuclei, this might be sampled and worked
back by general sparse-matrix techniques, -if the density over time of uv-rays/x-rays
were small enough to affect only a minute fraction, over the years in search.
Primarily polarity should be fairly consistent among the beads contacted by each
uv-ray/x-ray... and gradually drift over eons: This may be the first case of known
quantum drift over eons, as nuclei are too massive and inaccessible to be measured
in great individual precision compared to electron detection methods already regular
high-tech ... the gradual drift of polarity along a string of beaded nuclei becomes
a measure of eons-passed (but just how accurate it is measurable determines its
utility as a motion picture camera).
Image processing:
Information would be extractible by coherent uv-/x-laser-ray stimulation of photons:
(causing) each paired photon to come -back- 180° up the laser-ray beam angle ...
The exact time a paired second-photon comes back is its beam z-depth information ...
(locating) each sampled photon distinctly for subsequent calculatory processing ...
Cumulative beam information would be correlated in a sparse-matrix computation,
(determining) each most-likely most-accurate historic-uv-ray/x-ray trace.
Nonsecular deviation from coherence along each determined trace, auto-indicates
approximate time since its initial ray-incident.
(Secular deviations would be more by ray-polarization drift in local magnetic fields
changed or object-relocated over time since)
Given that five-body resonances do tend to dissipate more than two-body, even
though stable, yields a time factor that both resets atoms over eons, and allows a
commensurate time-scale to be applied to image results over epochs:
a continuum camera, non obscura.
Future technologies may get more-refined information more-quickly, using coincident
multi-laser ray-wave-fronts rather than ray-wave-beams, and catching the retroflected
photons in multi-phase arrays rather than back up the beam.
Future improvements may include circular-polarization of the laser-ray beam, to
most-accurately extract photon phase information with less polar-statistical triggering.
Visible resolution:
With 32 (suggested) 1-s-2-s contacts and useful coherence-phase precision measurable
to maybe a spatial eighth-to-sixteenth-cycle ranging over about spatial half-cycle
yielding 32 quadrits to octits, it can resolve rms-average 4@9-3@14 time "quanta" in an
overall temporal history of 15 years-1 mllion at 1/10 sec. time-precision -if- the
actual rate of 1-s-2-s phase-drift over years spans the same interval (tbd; it need not).
UV-ray/x-ray holo-tracy captures both transmission and reflectance "skeleton" images.
Gemstones, one of the most-likely sample-objects, were frequently worn ... whence a
lot of chest-"x-ray"-images would be available.
Process image quality:
Holographic -- moreso for larger samples
Continuum images: more real-photon-like, not framed
No object-relevant color ...
Not colorful movies, but pertinent skeletal images ...
maybe hinting like fast-blur timelapse ...
A very speckly image, like primitive ultrasound ...
Requires further calculatory object-continuitationing
on very-old vague-motion objects ...
Distinguishes (by subroutines) events caused by other trace-phenomenon,
muons, cosmic rays ...
Object thermal bending wreaks an amount of havoc on calibration,
depending on ray-penetration depth
May call-up matrix-calculation repair subroutines
(flex-matrix; a cryptographic concept) ...
Objects may be useless buried near nuclear reactors (or natural),
overloaded with x-rays ...
Useful objects can reach only so far back before their x-ray load
exceeds computationality ...
Older objects are vaguer as x-rays and compounding short-uv-rays interfere tracks ...
Camera specifications:
Live-continuous speckle-photography ... different and more-realistic than video
30 fps ...
NB. Speckle-photography images are difficult to capture as stills ...
muddied by motion ...
360°-view (horizontal and vertical; all angles) around the sample-object ...
hologram-like 3D-solid view (by the width of the sample-object, eg. a gemstone) ...
(NB. This can lead to resolving a difference of opinion on "what happened" by
different angles.)
For, HDDV resolution of about 0.01° (truer than HDTV 1 arcmin.) ...
Average 400Mpx per 1/30th sec. ... 12Gpx/sec. for 31.6Msec./year by 100K years ...
Suppose x-ray-track-length is "32 multincidences" for good solid holo-tracy
correlation ...
Totaling 10@24 (trillion-trillion) x-ray nuclear incidences ...
Needing about a pea-size 1.7-gram gemstone ...
Works better in daylight, because more short-uv/long-x-rays from the sun ...
Related words (titular):
HOLOTRACY --(a ray-wise hologram, at best; as far as this investigation went)
HISTOGRAM --(multiple entendres, fully connected;
a "word"-worth in a "web" of history)
HODOGRAPH --("path graph": velocity-vector plot of a moving particle;
"used in investigations respecting central forces" *)
* (Quoted phrase ref: Webster's Rev. Unab. 1998)
Lastly in comment, it should be noted that what works for a screenplay story may not be
as directly practical or even possible in finished technology, but often leads thought
to consider the approach and find useful applications of similar nature ... Whence the
story genre of science-fiction is oft deemed valuable as an educational "workproblem",
much as mathematics relies-on for teaching, and expansive to contemporary perceptions.
It is not recommended above a proper education, but does usually track closely enough,
that it is not deemed, an obfuscating science-manifest-phenomenon--'ology delaying the
better school studies in the 'onomy. Taken as a study, it can be enlightening, leading
through the same reductive exactions required of science endeavor weeding-out the less
educational tangents of the commercial drama-fiction: Like the rockhound discovering a
field of gold, a deeper examination of the claim heightens, the interest in the mental
discernment of truth, over merely selling claims to a visually prurient discernment of
what may only be a fools-gold mineral deposit mislabeled and redacted as pulp-fiction.
A premise discovery under the title,
© 2005