The movie shall be available primarily digitally recorded wide-screen [2:1] 'stereo-eyes-ed' on digital video disk or digital video tape. The initial 'shoot' shall be direct minute-by-minute to giga-byte hard-drive, 4 megapixels/frame, wavelet-compressed, copy-saved to CDROM - the digitized sound and music edited in synchronized fractions [frames] of a second - and the final product released on HDDV (digital video) Disk. The advantage of digital video is its reproducibility for the future of both broadcast FDTV [Full Definition or stereo-eyes-ed] and movie-house. Image generation shall be further enhanced and assisted by state-of-the-art computer facility. The final result shall be viewable stereo-eyes-ed '3.5D' with white 'sexichrome' or polarized safety-goggles ... telecined celluloid film and standard video disk and tape versions may be available.
[The music exampled and specified in the following outlines and screenwrites
is the Strategic-Director's selection from hundreds of CD's of existing
works by artists whose orchestral timbre and lyrics fit each on-screen
activity, and is not otherwise representative of project SesQuaTercet and
its purposes ... beginning with a little unstifled a capella, it
jumps right into the modern dance-rhythm musiques: a 'space-bopera']
Mr. Raymond Kenneth Petry, CS, BA, lecturer, is the author of FUNDAMENTAL CONTROVERSES: Christian Science Class Instruction * RKPetry, which takes-up the Holy Biblical Scripture as a synopsis of mankind's Scientific purpose on Earth - it is comprised of about 35 articles. Mr. Petry, 1973 graduate of UCSD, in mathematics, is a former crypto-TEMPEST engineer with Linkabit CORP [now, M/A-COM] of San Diego CA, on digital-radio satellite communications systems for the USA SAC/CommandPost [now reorganized and transferred]. He has served as the Vice President on his Branch Church Executive Board, and is Founder and current Trustee-Director of The Son Dey School of Christ Science and project 'lambhorn'. He has several science-fiction short-stories in his repertoire published at his SesQuatercet scripting site.
[Mr. Petry also maintains several websites and posts on usenet news-groups
and forums in the mathematics, sciences, technologies, digital electronic/computer
engineering, and Presidential political-campaigning]
During a Spring break in our current era, four bright university laboratory researchers - four tall handsome clothes models - venture-out into the night to find happiness among the unknown technologies: Their obstacles begin with highways and mundane fences, and jump right into submarine and nuclear sciences, mathematics, celestial mechanics, astrophysics, cosmology, progressively demanding not only more intellect, but more skills, till they have achieved the seemingly very impossible, and left the entire cosmos itself! But even the outside view looking inward upon our cosmos poses thoughtful dangers, and they return home against a barrage of reluctance, disagreement, resistance, opposition, and ultimately, impossibilities and the new threat of being exposed under immanent alien law!
Mere days later as Spring returns, they must return to their own newly advanced studies - their outward-bound curriculae again - but as they've already been slightly discovered by aliens newly extant, they must drag-along one, a sister replacing their one wayward team-member - again, four tall handsome clothes models. They retrace their previous route with renewed intellectual vantage: looking at their once learned lessons from a perspective of cross-expectancy: and learning twice! This time at the top, they keep going all the way, never to return! And they learn even the very infinite has relative finites to learn, ceasely!
Their sets and settings include, a USNavy dockyard at night, open ocean travel at elevated speeds, confrontations with battleships, the South Pole glacial-ice-flow, and an under-ice research complex, whole stuffed dinosaurs and un-Earthly animals, an escape-rocket to the backside of the moon, an immense underground space-port-complex full of starships for galactic travel, passing-up Jupiter and Neptune, accelerating to the speed-of-light, a swing-round a point-on-the-space-map, aether-slip-stream travel at super-light speed, an astronomically large metal-ring-city orbiting the event-horizon of a gigantic galaxy center 'black-gravity-hole', a cosmic-elevator, and outside our cosmos, a garden area, curious animals, golden-hued fruits, a sunless day and a focus-blinding-bright single-star semi-night, a sharp-edged sky telescopically speckled with infinitely-many 'black-gravity-hole' stars, a river edging the garden, a distant city, and rockets launching, reached by a golden yellow brick road, but then, their faces and hands glowing in the dark, a two shuttle-craft chase diving for the depths of the ring-city's host 'black-gravity-hole', a barrage of out-coming SafeGuard missiles from the moon, and more missiles from Earth, a crash-landing of the starship in the desert, and a hitchhike home with a famous driver. The retraced route is mostly set-similar until they cross the fields, enter the supercosmosian domed city, its garden-scaped interior and observatory, and meet supercosmosians.
Back home, on the strangely similar alien Earth, the fiance of the sister follows her lead, and gives chase, taking his university nuclear chemistry class and grad-friends - hundreds of handsome clothes models - with him: Opening at her home cordonned-off by police - appropriately dressed - he discovers a vase with a speck of viable anti-matter, and presents this as a table-top experiment before his next evening class. The grad-friends rush to the desert, ten as an A-I-Response team, rent two helicopters to the UFO landing site where the USArmy investigates, start-up the crashed starship 'UFO', pick-up hundreds more of the students under a barrage of missiles, and relaunch for the moon, encounter a barrage of back-side SafeGuard missiles like a video-game, discover and muse more caverns and launch tens of starships, and the golden flag-ship, for fleet exercises, chase and protect his sister's starship when they eventually arrive (they got ahead) and leave the moon for the planets and the swing-point in-space, the aether-slip-stream, the galaxy center black-hole metal-ring-city, where they nuclear-battle space-aliens in starships, leave the fiance in the ring-city cosmic elevator, race back to protect Earth, the fleet battles the incoming aliens approaching and passing the moon toward Earth, they meet the alien survivors, who escape, and they video-link conference with the President of the USA, then leave, forever; the ring-city has been destroyed, and they pick-up a stranded team of supercosmosian data analysts, and head-out for near galaxies.
gravity due aether depth
atomic scale
zeroeth order chaotic offset difference